Thursday, 14 February 2013

My Proposal

The Art of Architectural Aerodynamics

Summary Statement of Proposed Project
     The application and understanding of aerodynamics in the design of a tall building is vital in ensuring that they can withstand the forces of the elements upon them. But aside from contributing to structural integrity, architectural aerodynamics can create structures that are both incredibly unique and beautiful in appearance.

     The purpose of this project is to build an understanding of aerodynamics and how it can be applied to a building’s concept and design in unique ways, and through the use of different materials, to reduce the negative effects of the elements upon it.

Goal & Objectives
     The primary goal of this research project is to achieve a personal understanding of the study of aerodynamics, and how it can be applied to architecture and design. Ultimately, its purpose is to compare unique buildings from around the world, and how the principals of aerodynamics have been applied to their design in different ways.
     In addition, this project will identify different building materials that are commonly used in the construction of tall structures, and how effectively they reduce drag across a building’s surface. Lastly, it will identify the forces that act upon tall buildings and how an understanding of aerodynamics can be incorporated into a building’s design to reduce any negative effects caused by those forces.

Methodology & Analytical Approach
     The majority of the information found within this research project will be acquired from published papers and articles taken from engineering journals, as well as literature found within Thompson Rivers University’s library. In addition, I hope to meet with individuals who work within the construction industry, and apply the concepts of aerodynamics to their own work.

Previous Studies
     Through the preliminary research I have already conducted on this topic, it is apparent that architectural aerodynamics has been researched by many other individuals in the past. However, it is uncommon for different structures to be compared to one another in these studies, and they varying degrees that aerodynamic design is used. Therefore, it is my main objective to compare unique structures, and the differing methods used in their conceptualization.

Plans for Dissemination of Work
     It is my intention to share my work with other people and fellow students through the use of a personal blog, which I will update with my findings as often as possible.

Contribution of This Project to My Personal Academic Goals & Objectives
     Since I was very young, I have been an avid fan of Formula One racing, in large part from the influences of both my father and uncle. Having grown up as a bit of a petrol head, I am fascinated with the concept and design of racing cars, with aerodynamics being a huge part of that process. As someone who is pursuing architectural engineering as a career, I wanted to choose a topic that combined both my future profession and a personal interest. Therefore, I intend to investigate aerodynamics in regards to its role in the construction industry, and how its concepts can be applied to building design. In addition, it is my hope that achieving an understanding of aerodynamics will make me a better designer in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool topic for research. I would imagine that a monolithic dome would be ideal aerodynamically since it would be the same from all directions. here is a link to info about them.
